Meditation is not what you think. Well, it is but not in the WAY you think. Meditation-is just like driving. Say you’re driving along the highway moving with the hustle and bustle of traffic totally focused on where you are going. Your mind and body are in unison. You don’t care about the passing cars, who’s ahead/behind or along side you, you’re just focused on where you are going. With the exception of the occasional glance over at a passing car you return once again to the focus of driving. THIS is exactly what meditation is...it’s not about the quiet it’s about NOT attaching to the passing thoughts and if by chance you do attach to one simply readjust your focus back to “driving.” Your thoughts-are the cars.
Do you allow road rage to affect you, do you “chase” cars from lane to lane? Are your thoughts traffic jams, smooth sailing or do you get off the next exit and find yourself along the backroads driving slower, calmer and freer to peruse the view. You find yourself paying more attention to what surrounds you than keeping yourself focused on where you are going. You’re distracted, now suddenly a deer darts out in front of you and you slam on the brakes and forces you to pay attention to what you are doing. Thoughts....do precisely the very same thing. Don’t beat yourself up-simply find your focus back on the road and don’t go “chasing” cars. Either YOU drive your thoughts or your thoughts drive YOU. The choice-is yours.
Your Inner Spark